Sony's ‘Pyaar Ka Bandhan' which is a closing shop on April 22, is gearing for its last shoot today. As always, this tale too ends on happy note. Actress Kritika Kamra, who plays the character of Prateeksha, is having
mixed feelings about the show's closure.
"There are no great feelings when a show goes off air. None can be expected to be happy because even though we've shot for a short period, the cast ahs worked together for many hours. All of a sudden we bid
goodbye to each other. It's a painful feeling for all of us."
The last episode airs on April 22, wherein all the siblings re-unite and all the couples get back to each other after clearing out all the misunderstandings.
Pyaar ka bandhan is Kritika's second show after Kitani Mohabbat show. When asked about the difference in working for the two shows, Kamra replied, "While coming in ‘Pyaar Ka Bandhan', I was quite confident about
the way the shoots are held thus there was nothing to worry about. It wasn't the same with Kitani Mohabbat hai, as that was my maiden show, plus I was playing the lead."
The only glitch about Pyaar.. is the show ending sooner than expected.
"Kitani... continued for a longer time than ‘Pyaar Ka Bandhan' and thus I am feeling that the latter ended very soon. I believe it could have continued for a longer time too. Apparently, the show had just started but it's
ending too soon." signs off Kritika.
But Kritika, ‘Pyaar Ka Bandhan' going off air will definitely lessen your stress as you can now concentrate more on your moves for Zara Nachke Dikha.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 16:43 IST